our story
Colomont was founded in 2014 by Christopher Santee after researching the benefits of hemp and it’s by-products. He wanted to make a positive impact on individuals and the world.

Colomont was founded in 2014 by Christopher Santee after researching the benefits of hemp and it’s by-products. He wanted to make a positive impact on individuals and the world. After a fact-finding tour of Colorado in 2014, Colomont’s founder returned to Vermont and began growing hemp in some of the world’s finest soil. Since 2015 Colomont has provided fine CBD oil and hemp products to people far and wide.
Before all of that, Mr. Santee received a strong education at The Albany Academy in Albany, NY. He then went on to study at Syracuse University in Syracuse, NY, followed by enrollment in the United States Naval Academy. Later, he attended Champlain College in Burlington, VT. He became well educated in accounting, economics, and business during his educational career. Chris went on to become Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Wall Street Small Cap Report during the 90’s.
During the 2000’s Mr. Santee dedicated his life working with those with special needs. This led to personal research conducted over the past five years on hemp and its benefits. In particular, the component identified as cannabidiol and its effects on humans. A research trip that started in Colorado has now come to fruition and flourished here in the beautiful state of Vermont.

Our Mission
Our dream is cultivated by a desire to provide alternative solutions for those in need, and to make a positive contribution to society and the world.

Here at Colomont we strive to be on the leading edge of the hemp industry by providing real solutions. The Colomont team is involved with all aspects of the hemp world, from choosing which seed to sow, to providing the finished products. We are dedicated to produce nothing but the best as our products help individuals with relief on a global scale. From plant genetics, to farming, harvesting, processing and product development, we provide programs and infrastructure to assist those looking towards the hemp industry. Our focus is always on quality with an eye on the future.

We pledge not to use pesticides, herbicides, solvents, and chemical fertilizers

Our products are grown in Vermont’s clean soil, water and fresh
mountain air

We use organic farming
practices within all
of our farms
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